How To Install Apps On Apple Watch Through The New Watch App Store? 

Are you an Apple Watch user? Are you wondering about ways to install apps on your Apple watch? Do you want to install an app on your iPhone, or do you want to do it directly from your iPhone?

There are many possibilities, and we recommend that you explore all of them to find the one that is truly the one for your needs.  

Now there are certain conditions that you need to fulfill for your process to go smoothly and easily. These conditions are simple and do not require anything unnecessary. 

Basics Conditions For These Steps  

Before we start, if you want to install applications on this watch, your watch needs to be connected to the Internet. 

You will need to have you need to be logged in to an Apple ID account on your watch so that you can use the Apple App Store.  

Once you have the Internet connection and you’re logged into your Apple ID account, we can continue by waking up the screen on the watch by pressing any key. 

How To Install Apps On Apple Watch Through The New Watch App Store? 

Once you wake up your screen, press the button to open the menu.  

Now scroll through the menu find the Apple App Store icon and tap on it. This should open the App Store and right there you will have the main page. 

You can scroll through it to browse different categories and apps. You can look for the desired app right there.  

You can tap on See More at the bottom to look for it, or you can just scroll up and tap on Search, and there you can type in what you’re looking for.  

Simple Steps: Menue > Apple Store > Search Desired Application > Install

To make it more specific, for example, you’re going to type in something like a calculator and up searching. There you will have the results for the calculator. You have a couple of options we can download and install, for this choose one and you can tap on it to see more info on it.

On tapping on it you will have the rating, screenshots and, we believe if you scroll even more down, you have the changes in the updates and you can tap on ratings and reviews and stuff like that to see more information.

If you want to install the application tab on the get button, the one with the cloud with the down arrow in it and auto download it. Now wait until the application is done installing. 

Once you go back from the App Store as you can see, the application is done installing. You can tap on the Open button to open it, or you can go back to the menu and the icon for this application should appear somewhere in the many you can see, and you can tap on it to open the application. That’s how you install applications on an Apple watch. 

How To Remove And Move Apps On The Apple Watch Through Your iPhone? 

we are going to be showing you how to Remove apps on the Apple Watch or Move apps to use the Apple Watch app on your iPhone.  

Tap on the app and now look at your watch. Let’s say you want to get rid of a game app. In the Apple Watch app located on the iPhone, there’s a list of every Apple Watch-compatible app on your phone. If you tap on Uber and turn off the Show app on your Apple Watch.

It’s gone from your Apple watch making it easier for you to remove it from your Apple watch with little to no hurdle. 

 Let’s say you want to install an app on the watch, for instance, Run Keeper, if you tap on Run Keeper in the Apple Watch app located on your iPhone and turn on the Show app on the Apple Watch.

You can see it filling up or in other words installing it on your Apple watch. After some time, you will be able to locate RunKeeper on your watch. That’s how to install and. move apps on the Apple Watch. 

How To Install Apps On The Apple Watch Through The iPhone?  

Now let’s talk about the Apple Watch and how to install all apps on your Apple Watch, all those that are available to you.

So, the thing is that whenever you decide to go ahead and download an app on the App Store and it has a version for the Apple Watch, you may decide if you want to just keep it on the iPhone or install it on the Apple Watch as well.

So yeah, you perhaps want to just download the version that is only for the iPhone for example, if you have Shazam on your iPhone, you don’t want to have it on the Apple Watch you can just hold down on it to edit apps and to. Move it. But how do you bring it back?

Well, this can only be set up using the iPhone and using the Watch app there. 

  • So, get out of the Watch app. 
  • You can see it’s right there. So, the watch and you can see these are all watch faces and settings. 
  •  But if you scroll down to the bottom, here is a list of all the available apps that you can install on your Apple Watch  
  • If you just click on the install button. Those are all the apps that you already have on your iPhone, so If you downloaded Audible for example from the App Store to your iPhone but brought it to the Apple Watch since it has an app that is available there.  
  • You can click on install and it should appear right on the Apple watch after it gets installed.  
  • It will just be installed recently, so it will take a while, but this is how we can bring it to the Apple Watch. However, to not care about it at all and simply download an app on it, the iPhone. 

How To Install Apps Automatically On The iPhone And The Apple Watch Simultaneously  

If there is a version of the Apple Watch and If you want to just make it automatic, this means that you don’t need to care and can manually install the apps. You can choose that any app which has a version for the watch will automatically be installed there and this is going to be set up again in the same Watch app on the iPhone.  

You’re going to go to the agenda and you should find the option of automatic app installation.  

It’s right there in the location about software updates and automatic app installation.  

If you zoom in, you just pretty much explain what it is. So, when this is on, all the apps that you have on your iPhone and work with the Apple Watch will be automatically installed and appear on your home screen on the Apple Watch.  

The next time you decide to download a third-party app from the App Store which has a version for the watch, it’s not going to sit Going to show up there on the watch automatically and this is just how it works. 


With all this, you have the option to go to the App Store on your Apple Watch, which of course if you install the app here then just shows on the watch. But many people don’t use it that much because to format this you’re going to need to set up a password and some security measures that most people don’t want to have enabled on your Apple Watch all the time.

That’s why many people would rather just install the apps on iPhone and just add them to the watch and not the other way around. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What is the best method to download apps on my Apple watch? 

Once you wake up your screen, press the button to open the menu. Now scroll through the menu, find the Apple App Store icon, and tap on it.

This should open the App Store and right there you will have the main page. You can scroll through it to browse different categories and apps. You can look for the desired app right there. You can tap on See More at the bottom to look for it, or you’re just going to scroll up and tap on Search, and there we can type in what you’re looking for.

If you want to install the application tab on the get button, the one with the cloud with the down arrow in it and auto download it. Now wait until the application is done installing. Once you go back from the App Store as you can see, the application is done installing.

You can tap on the Open button, open it, or you can go back to the menu and the icon for this application should appear somewhere in the many you can see, and you can tap on it to open the application. that’s how you install applications on an Apple watch. 

What is the method to remove and add apps to my Apple watch? 

Tap on the app and now look at your watch. Let’s say you want to get rid of this Uber app. Well, in the Apple Watch app located on the iPhone. There’s a list of every Apple Watch-compatible app on your phone. If you tap on Uber and turn off the Show app on your Apple Watch.

It’s gone from your Apple watch making it easier for you to remove it from your Apple watch with little to no hurdle. 

 Let’s say you want to install an app on the watch, for instance, Run Keeper if you tap on Run Keeper in the Apple Watch app located on your iPhone and turn on the Show app on Apple Watch. You can see it filling up or in other words installing it on your Apple watch.

After some time, you will be able to locate RunKeeper on your watch. That’s how to install and. Move apps on the Apple Watch. 

Q: What is better, to install apps directly from Apple Watch or to add them from the iPhone? 

If you install an app directly into the watch from its app store, then it just shows on the watch. But many people don’t really use it that much because to format this you’re going to need to set up a password and some security measures that most people don’t want to have enabled on your Apple Watch all the time.

That’s why many people would rather just install the apps on iPhone and just add them to the watch and not the other way. 

Q: How to automatically add apps to Apple Watch through your iPhone?  

If there is a version of the Apple Watch. If you want to just make it automatic, that means that you don’t need to care and manually install the apps. You can choose that any app which has a version for the watch will automatically be installed there and this is going to be set up again in the same Watch app on the iPhone.

You’re going to go to the agenda. Well, you should find the option of automatic app installation. It’s right there in the location about software updates and automatic app installation.

If you zoom in, you just pretty much explain what it is. So, when this is on, all the apps that you have on your iPhone and work with the Apple Watch will be automatically installed and appear on your home screen on the Apple Watch.

The next time you decide to download a third-party app from the App Store which has a version for the watch, it’s not going to sit Going to show up there on the watch automatically and this is just how it works. 

By Admin

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